Sample Test Mathematics

Between any two rational numbers, there lie :
  • 1 two rational number
  • 2 No rational number
  • 3 infinite rational numbers
  • 4 infinite fractions
A rhombus can not be drawn if
  • 1 one side and one diagonal are given.
  • 2 the lenths of the two diagonals are given.
  • 3 the length of one diagonal is given.
  • 4 None of these.
Addition is associative for
  • 1 Natural numbers
  • 2 Whole Numbers
  • 3 Rational Numbers
  • 4 All of these
Rational numbers are not closed under :
  • 1 Subtraction
  • 2 Division
  • 3 Addition
  • 4 Multiplication
In a linear equation, the highest power of the variableis :-  
  • 1 One
  • 2 two
  • 3 Three
  • 4 Zero
An equation of the form ax + b = c, where a, b and c are numbers, a not equal to 0 and x is the variable; represents a
  • 1 linear equation
  • 2 linear equation in one variable
  • 3 linear equation in two variables
  • 4 None of these
The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is:
  • 1 180°
  • 2 360°
  • 3 90°
  • 4 60°
Which of the following is a regular polygon:
  • 1 Isosceles triangle
  • 2 Square
  • 3 Parallelogram
  • 4 Rhombus
The opposite angles of a................ are equal.
  • 1 Parallelogram
  • 2 Rhombus
  • 3 Trapezium
  • 4 None of these
  • 1 two
  • 2 three
  • 3 four
  • 4 five

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